IS BACK... AND BLUE! THIS WEEK'S DCT TV SHOOT... RAB MCCULLOUGH Rab McCullough was an active contributor in the 60's and 70's when the blues baby came of age, sharing stages with his peers who went on to be Rock & Roll legends including Rory Gallagher, Van Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, and John Mayall & The Blues Breakers. Unfortunately, the violence and political unrest in Northern Ireland put an end to Rab's career and destroyed the once great music scene. Rab stopped touring and remained in Belfast picking up a job in the local steel mill to support his family. Click here to check out what about.com says about us! The Digital Café Tour (DCT TV) produces multi-camera, live music concert videos and DIY Indie instructional documentaries for Broadband media. DCT recognizes that folks today are more likely to discover live music on their IPods, cell phones or computers than they are to find it at a live venue. In order for live music to survive as an art form, it must be digitized and syndicated out to the place where audiences increasingly congregate... the Digital Universe. We use not only our own web presence to spread our message, but also the aggregated web presence of our entire collective of artists, sponsors, and industry professionals. To see some clips from our 2006 Summer Concert Series, click the 'Concert Clips' menu option above. The 'Tools of the Trade' and 'Our Sponsors' will provide information about our pro-audio sponsors and the gear we use to create our videos. The 'Broaden Your Band' menu choice has some documentary video clips geared toward educating artists on how to build their music careers. To visit some of our artists' homepages, select the 'Our Artists' menu option. DCT has compiled over 22 hours of concert and documentary footage from the Summer 2006 Concert series with more shows and documentary footage to be shot ongoing. Our content is updated frequently. CHECK OUT DCT TV! |